Our Vision:

Working together at the heart of the community to transform lives

Thursday, 17 October 2013

OFSTED School Inspection surprise!

Despite receiving a monitoring letter stating that we would not be inspected until Summer 2014 at the earliest, we received 'the call' on Wednesday 9th October. Ten minutes into the telephone call, I asked the Inspector if she had meant that she was going to be inspecting the Children's Centre rather than the school. However, the answer was no!

The next 19 hours were extremely busy, updating the school Self Evaluation documents, printing off data sheets, preparing timetables/case studies/evidence trails. 

A week later, we still can't quite believe that the process and team have come and gone. The draft report has been approved and now we await the final version. 

We hope to have the full and final report by Friday 25th October. 

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